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Services provided by the great dogs for people

Dogs are more friendly animals to humans, and most fulfilling for him, people love to own dogs and bred in the home, they are not just animals for fun and entertainment, they play significant roles and services to the people.

Dog helps disabled motor impairment
Services provided by the great dogs for people

Help physically disabled, assist them to change the direction of moving their chairs, and achieving balance and stability while walking.

Dogs help for the visually impaired
Services provided by the great dogs for people
Guide dogs to their owners the right direction.

Dogs help for the Deaf
Services provided by the great dogs for people

These dogs help people who have hearing problems, and alerts them voices, such as: Doorbell, fire alarm, telephone, and alarm clock. These dogs are also working outside the home, and alert the owner, such as the voices of people calling for it.

Dogs help diabetics
Services provided by the great dogs for people

These dogs provide services for people with diabetes, and the mission is tantamount to alert the owner of the sugar levels in the blood, and reach a serious stage, which is trained in some cases to contact the emergency medical numbers.